速報APP / 教育 / Email Marketing Course

Email Marketing Course





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Email Marketing Course(圖1)-速報App

There is a lot of wrong information surrounding Email Marketing, so today I'm going to explain what you need to know about it. The most important thing in email marketing is creating and building a healthy email list. Once you have a list, it is useless if you don't understand how to effectively promote and use it.

Our free Email Marketing Course will help you to understand the importance of email marketing and list building and how to use that data effectively to promote new products and content to your market.

Email Marketing Course(圖2)-速報App

Today's purchasing market is more sophisticated than the past. Gone are the days when we could just build a list, promote products and earn money. People are not buying from strangers online anymore. They need to connect with the person doing the selling. They need to know them – like them – and trust them before they buy from them.

Included in the Email Marketing Course is:

Email Marketing Course(圖3)-速報App

* The Importance of Email Marketing

* Your Niche

Email Marketing Course(圖4)-速報App

* Finding Products to Promote

* Follow-up Email Sequence

Email Marketing Course(圖5)-速報App

* 8 List Building Mistakes to Avoid

* The Basic Science of Marketing

Email Marketing Course(圖6)-速報App

* and much much more.

There are several types of marketing including: email marketing, guerilla marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing but of those the easier to understand and master is email marketing. These days there are many free email template guides to help you create effective campaigns and flows to deliver the best, most relevant information to your audience.

Email Marketing Course(圖7)-速報App

If you are interested in learning and developing your email list, and effectively monetizing it, download our Free Email Marketing Course today. We have also included other bonus apps to help you in other areas of your life and business! Check it out today.

Email Marketing Course(圖8)-速報App